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Do I have to pay fees to book a room?No, in Mandarinarooms we don't charge anything for the management.
Is the kitchen equipped? Do I need to buy something?We believe that our kitchen is for sure one of the most equipped student flats in Valencia. You can find everything to cook and we are always introducing new things.
Are the bills included?No, in Mandarinarooms we consider that each one must pay for their expenses, that's a way to encourage the saving of energy and water in our flats.
Is there an Internet connection in the apartments?All our apartments have high-speed WiFi, you'll have full access the same day you arrive!
How are the bills paid?Each time we receive an invoice we will send it through our group communication channels, so the following month you can easily pay the share that corresponds to you.
What if I want to leave the apartment before the end of the contract?Then you'll lose the deposit and we'll regret your depart.
What deposit I have to pay?The amount of the deposit is the same as one month of the rent. This deposit is for cases like unpaid monthly rent or damaged in the apartment.Once the contract has been completed and all the invoices are paid, the amount of the deposit will be returned.
How long are the contracts?Usually, our contracts are for 5 or 10 months, this is to be able to organise the academic semesters and to assure that a friendly environment and a small family in each apartment is created.
If I arrive at the flat on September 15th, for example, do I have to pay the whole month?"The rooms are charged for a whole month, if you make a reservation on August 25th to live in the flat from September 15 until June 30th, you must pay the full month as it could be the case that there was a person who wanted to enter before, and the property would lose profits. If a flatmate hires a room on the 15th of a month to enter the 16th, they would pay only the proportional portion of the month.
Can visitors, friends or relatives come to the apartment?"Of course!! We only ask that you tell to your roommates, so there is good harmony.
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